Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2020


just take a look at the world today it's

a disaster people are losing their jobs

every single day and others well they

can't find any work because of all this

it's never been a better time to learn a

new skill and make money online but

trust me I understand it's not easy and

finding something that works well it

does take time that is the reason why I

made this youtube video today I want to

teach you a strategy that is proven to

work time and time again this is a very

easy step-by-step guide on how to

utilize Google to make money by helping

people secure their websites they can

get more traffic and you can make a lot

of money online so make sure you watch

this video to the end as we're starting

right now hey everyone it's all here

again from the smart money tactics

Channel if this is the first time you've

come to my channel and you want daily

reliable content hit that subscribe

button turn on all the notifications and

that way you'll never miss out on a

brand new strategy that teaches you how

to make money online and if you guys

want to know what I've been doing for

some time to make money alone click on

that first link in the description if

you have any questions feel free to ask

but this is what I've been doing for

some time to make money online today I'm

gonna show you a brand new strategy that

you can use to make money online

utilizing Google but more importantly

helping people secure their websites

this is so easy guys you don't need any

tech skills you don't need to be in

front of a camera you don't need a

website I'm gonna show you how you can

do this as a complete beginner and I've

got a massive bonus for you where you

can double down and make even more money

okay five hundred to a thousand dollars

is so easy to make with this strategy

once you land what I'm about to show you

here you can make even more money so

what am I talking about I mean take a

look at this website over here this is a

website that I found it's a fantastic

website somebody has gone out and paid a

lot of money for this website to get

clients to their plumbing company and

this is everywhere around the world and

you don't need to be in the same country

where this person is you can be anywhere

around the world and you can help this


and secure their website what am I

talking about our visa if we come back

over to here guys to the top of this

website you can see it's Peter Burke's

electrical condo you this is in

Australia but this is everywhere this is

happening around the world and take a

look at this guy's if you click onto

this here it says not secure this person

does not have an ssl security

certificate which means this tells

google it tells the worldwide web that

this site is not secure and when it does

these a few things happen the first

thing that happens is it loses

credibility people don't want to click

on this site that I want to click on

their links because it's not secure

that's the first thing that happens the

second thing that happens is that Google

is not going to push this website any

further it's not gonna get indexed it's

not gonna be on the first few pages of

Google and that's a problem because

you're trying to get customers and your

coming over here you're doing all the

hard work and you're missing out on a

lot of traffic and if you can fix this

for people you can make money online and

I'm gonna show you how to make this

money online right now but what if I

told you that the fixes it can be fixed

for the price of a coffee or I'm also

gonna show you how you can do this

absolutely for free it's not that

technical guys but let me show you how

you're gonna find these businesses so

what you want to do is you want to come

over to Google and basically what you

want to do is you just want to come over

to Google Maps for example and once you

come over to Google Maps all you need to

do is search for any business that you

can think of guys you've got restaurants

you've got electricians you've got

doctors you've got plumbers you've got

every business that you can possibly

think of if you come over here and you

type in electricians for example and

once I type in electricians you're gonna

be surprised with how many of these

websites are not secured people just

don't know about this stuff so when you

come over here I mean take a look at

this that's the first guy that we had a

look at which is Peter Burke electro if

you come over here and take a look this

level two electricians which I've really

opened up over here look at this not

secured you take a look at this guy over

here not secure I came over here and

opened up another one I've heats a

plumbing site not secure I basically

went through Google and opened up so

many of these guys and about 70 percent

are the ones that are open I'm opening

one up now to show you what it will look

like if it is secure

and a lot of them are not secure and

look at these another one is not secure

there are so many of these they need to

get secure in order for them to rank on

Google in order for them to have more

credibility so I'm gonna show you how

you can do that in order for you to

learn how to do this like if you wanted

to learn how to do this absolutely for

free all you need to do is come over to

YouTube and you can type in how to apply

an SSL certificate and you can come down

here and these guys actually teach you

for free how to do this this video over

here it's a five minute video will teach

you how to apply this SSL certificate I

can apply this certificate I cannot do

this this is so simple I've got friends

that do these and make thousands of

dollars which is where I got the

inspiration for this video so what you

want to do is you want to come over here

and watch this if you want to do it

yourself if you don't want to do this

yourself what you can do is you can get

people to do this for a small amount of

money and then when they do that you can

be the middleman and you can charge a

lot more money I mean think about it

what would you pay to have your website

secured $50 $100 maybe even $200 you

just don't know it's up to you what you

want to charge but if you come over to a

site called and you type in

SSL certificate this is what I will do I

would come over to and I

would click on to any one of these

different types of people that do this

and I would get into contact with them

and outside of them if I can drive you

business what's the best offer that you

can give me to put these SSL

certificates on these different types of

websites now find someone that looks

credible I mean if you find someone over

here that does it for $15 and he's done

six hundred and sixty eight jobs you

know that they're credible this person's

done five hundred and thirty five jobs

as 7.62 for cents and if you scroll down

here there's other people that have done

four hundred and twelve jobs etc this

person over here I mean take a look at

this he's done over 1,000 jobs he's made

over seven thousand dollars doing this

and he's got over a thousand people and

even more probably so if you click onto

these he charges seven dollars and 64

cents and that's it that's all he

charges you can go in charge $50 $60 $75

people don't know

you can have a huge markup or you can

charge a $7 or you can door for free

because I'm going to show you in my

bonus way that you can't make money

online in charge even more money or you

can quite simply just charge $25 and get

it done from so what do you do let's say

you find a site like this one over here

all you need to do is come over here and

click on to contact us once you click on

to contact us a lot of these places are

trades that are expecting folk was a lot

of different services that take phone

calls take enquiries and open their

emails so you'd come over here click on

to contact us you'd go to their contact

page you can either ring them or I would

suggest you can come over here as you

can see that with their phone number

over here or you've got inquiry ping

plumbing comdata you see you'd come over

and you can email them and what I would

email them would be something like this

if you come over here this is just a

very quick draft of an email that I

would send to this person you need to

tell them the benefit of them getting

this SSL certificate and what the

effects are of them not getting this SSL

certificate so if you want this email

template over you guys I'll make it a

little bit better go down the bottom and

just comment Allen please post this

script and then what I will do is I will

post this in the top comment old post

this as a top comment so you can use the

exact same script so that you can email

people around the world which is going

to help you convert this so that you can

make money online so I'm willing to do

that for you guys I'll paste that in

there no problem at all so just go down

the bottom and within 24 hours I will

have this up on the top comment so this

is what you're doing you just quite

simply email them and you will

definitely get a response back because

you're basically gonna do this for the

price of a coffee you can even put your

price in there could be 15 $20 $25 it's

up to you but there is an even better

way that you can make money alone once

you get this person to respond to you

and once you complete this SSL

Certificates of the way it would work is

you contact somebody on Fiverr over here

you find somebody that you're willing to

work with as you can come over here you

can find so many of these different

people you get into contact with this

person you contact them and you tell

them that you can drive traffic for them

and then what they will do is I will

complete these jobs for you once they

complete these jobs

you then what you can do is you can come

back to these different types of

contacts that you've created and say

there is another way that I can help you

get even more traffic to your websites

which is that which is ultimately going

to help them make more money if you take

a look at some of these different

websites guys they're good websites but

they can be a lot better if you take a

look at them you can see here that you

come over here and there's nothing i

catching about it nothing pops at you

there's no one talking to you you want

something that's going to help them

drive more sales and the way you do that

is quite simply with animated explainer

videos you will not believe how much

people use these explainer videos on

their websites to get the attention of

the person that's on that website and

these people can create animated

explainer videos commercial type videos

and these videos cost a little bit of

money but you've got to understand these

are trades that want to convert and all

you need to do once you fix up that SSL

certificate for them you're really in

contact with this person you're already

talking to them you've really got their

relationship then you can tell them I

can help you fix your website and then

you can send them different examples of

these explainer videos that people

haven't here again what you do is you

can come over here you can get in

contact with these different types of

people so let's say for example you come

over here and what you want to do is you

want to click onto any one of these so

let's go to this one over here this guy

charges one hundred and twenty one

dollars and he's had over a thousand

jobs okay so you click onto this video

over here and then what you want to do

is you let's say they go to you that

they want to see an example of a video

or an example of our animated video so

what you do you come over here quite

simply and you can go over here and you

can watch this video yourself okay now

as you can see he it's not that easy you

can't just copy this video but if you

right mouse click anywhere on this video

and you click on to copy video address

so you just click on to copy video

address then you come over here and all

you need to do is you want to paste this

video address there hit enter what this

is going to do as you can see now you've

got this video here then all you need to

do these three little double dots three

little dots over here you click onto

that and you click on to download

what happens from there is that's going

to download this video over here okay

directly to your computer and then once

it's downloaded to your computer you can

send the via social media via email

whatever and then these people have the

opportunity to have a look at these

different types of videos now if you

have a look at these videos one thing

that's very interesting is they're

charging a hundred and twenty-one

dollars for these explainer videos

before their premium package some of

these guys are charging 500 600 even 700

dollars this person over he's charging

one hundred and eighty nine dollars and

there's nothing stopping you from

charging three to four hundred dollars

if you come over to 5a and you have a

look at how much some of these people

are charging there's people that are

charging thousands of dollars and once

you've got that communication and you've

helped that person secure their website

it gives you that foot in the door to

make even more money online it's a super

simple way you're helping somebody get

their website indexed on Google said he

can start ranking then you're going to

help them get their website notice so

that they can get more traffic and you

can make money online over and over

again through these explainer videos you

can even search for commercialized

videos and stuff like that

whatever they want you can help them

with this and this is gonna open the

door then what happens is these people

talk to other people and it's gonna give

you more clients which means it's going

to help you make even more money online

so that was my video for today on how to

make money online utilizing Google to

secure these different people's websites

if you enjoyed the video smash that like

button in appreciation and let me know

in the comments if you want that script

and I'll pinup within 24 hours to the

top comment of this video and don't go

anywhere guys with another awesome video

over here that you can check out again

where you can get paid a lot of money

online utilizing Google Trends and your

gmail account as well so if you haven't

checked it out make sure you watch that

I'll see you on that video until

tomorrow I'm Alan from smart money tech

because you take care of yourself and


Sonntag, 21. Juni 2020

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Sonntag, 14. Juni 2020

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Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2020

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